February 22nd, the University Business Incubators Global recognized Henry Bernick Entrepreneurship Centre! This recognition was based on a worldwide benchmarking survey to identify business accelerator/incubator performance across post-secondary institutions.
The Henry Bernick Centre was awarded in two categories:
Most Promising – Young Program
According to UBI, a Most Promising Program is a business incubator or accelerator that stands out from its peers due to its impressive overall achievements relative to its young age or with regard to a particularly relevant socio-economic impact metric.
Top Challenger in North America
According to UBI, a Top Challenger is a university-linked incubation program that stands out from its peers due to its impressive overall impact and performance achievements relative to its respective regional peers. John Pickard & Sara Bentham of HBEC received the awards at the World Incubator Summit held in Toronto on February 22nd/23rd, which was hosted by Ryerson University.
Facts about UBI:
1) 1370 institutions worldwide applied for ranking in the benchmarking survey. Of this number just 259 were certified to be included in the benchmarking survey (including Henry Bernick Centre).
2) 53 countries were represented in the benchmarking survey.
3) No other College in Canada was recognized with an award.
4) Ryerson and York University received major recognition and the Accelerator Centre of U of Waterloo and U of Toronto received honourable mention.
5) Winners in attendance hailed from Australia, the U.S.A., Brazil, Portugal, Russia, Ireland, and many more countries.
Minister Reza Moridi (Research, Innovation and Science) received an award at the event on behalf of the Government of Ontario for establishing a world-class entrepreneurial support eco-system.
Everyone at the Georgian Angel Network is so proud of this accomplishment! We are honored to be in a great partnership with the Centre! This recognition is confirmation of the hard work and value that Georgian College and the Henry Bernick Centre team have delivered to student and community-based entrepreneurs in recent years.
For the Morning Star’s coverage, click here.