Are you “pre-angel” ready?

GAN Xcelerate Fund

GXF helps founders get their business “angel-ready” with an equity investment of $30,000 to match the OCE Smart Start program or similar non-dilutive funding, and optional support services from lawyers, accountants, brand-designers and office space providers.


Once your business is “angel ready”, you will be able to pitch to GAN for your angel round of funding.

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What is the GAN Xcelerate Fund?

A fund of $300,000 set up as a limited partnership of 16 GAN members that will invest up to $30,000 in 10 start-up companies over 2 years.

GXF will invest in start-up companies that can:

What is "Angel Ready"?

Download the 15 Point Checklist to see if your business can be is angel-ready in 6 – 12 months

The application process requires a presentation to GXF's selection committee covering:

What is the GXF selection committee looking for?